

day 2.

First, let me congratulate you for passing through 2015 and currently walking on the very beginning of 2016. Congratulations, dear fella'! How was your new year eve? Good? Great. Mine? Well, cannot say a lot but that night was quite good with lots and lots fireworks above that magnificent sky.

Just so you know that now I am working on this blog so I guess, I might stop to post something random except on a very special occasion or I make a special day to post it. So, yes. There will be a lot of differences in this blog. I found my blog so cheesy and dry, so yes, I should work on it to make it better, no?

And by the way, here is a picture I took when I was in Bali back then before Christmas.
Desa Taro
I will stay in Bali again next week, really need to work on something there so it will cost a lot of time, and energy, oh and money too. Hope I can get through it.


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