
Touched Down Bromo

yesterday (20th of April, 2012) I was so excited! I've touched down Bromo mountain (Probolinggo, East Java, Indonesia) for the first time with some of my (awesome) family. So excited with the view there. So I definitely took some photo at Bromo. Actually I will touch down them again soon when the holiday season comes. Can't wait! And, I hope I could even go traveling alone someday. It will be so terrifically epic.

There was more than just happiness I felt when I stood in Bromo. There was good, or maybe great. I've never felt that way, before. I climbed up the mountain, screamed as loud as I could, released the pain I've felt for more than a year. I felt so great and I suddenly realized there was more than this... and I promise I will climb up another mountain, let my footprint immortalized there, take some awesome picture there, and let it releases my pain away...

some photo I took there is below:

off road driving in order to reach the food of the mountain. picture taken by me.
the way with grasses covered by the haze in early morning. cool, huh?
the off road way
bromo view
earth relief
with my sister.
off road car
more photos {here
n. b: link will be updated soon with new photos


Unknown said...

A very nice pictures.

Pizi said...

dank jeee :)